Applicants who desire to be admitted to the boarding are required to submit application forms to the school with the necessary documents which usually takes place in the first week of January. It is encouraged to book the seats by December after the final examination. After admission tests are cleared off, an applicant is to be interviewed by the Principal who if selected can secure admission on the very next day.
Admission usually commences in the first week of January. However, application forms for the Pre-Kindergarten Class are available by the first week of December (please check with the school for that year) and admitted directly after interview but must have completed 3 years of age. Placement is given priority to applicants with siblings in the school, staffs and the remaining seats are drawn by lot. For Lower Kindergarten Class they must have completed 4 years of age.
Admission from Lower Kindergarten to Class VIII is subject to the availability of seats in that year. There is no admission for Class IX and X.
Admission test for fresh candidates is conducted on the production of the necessary documents. However, the school reserves the right to place the candidate in a class he/she is found fit for.
Every fresh candidate for admission must be introduced in person to the Principal by the one responsible to him/her.
Submission of application forms and appearance for the admission test and interview does not guarantee admission.
Tests results will be notified on the school board the next day.
No refunds for fees of any sort.
Admission acceptance or rejection is at the discretion of the school administration.